January 11, 2008

V/S by Versace

Well this one is different. I picked out this sample from my drawer at random, reached in, eyes closed, pulled it out and said, "this one today." And that happened to be V/S by Versace.

The sample vial itself is clever. The V/S logo has a slash through it. The "V" and "S" are imprinted in white on the vial itself and the cap has a stick attached to it, both are black and forms the "/" (slash).

At first this smells very alcoholic and sugary but dries down to a warm, cozy scent. Other than that, it's nothing special. Most people say it's very synthetic. I do like this one, even a little. It's fruity and oriental, but that's just me. Maybe that's why it's called Versus (V/S)?

It's recommended use is all over the place: casual daytime, evening, mature, college. I guess V/S should stand for versatile.

I have nothing to compare it to since I haven't had that many scents sampled yet. It's sillage is over the top, wat too strong for my likes. Apply it conservatively, a little goes a long way.

This fragrance was discontinued. Odd that places still sell samples.

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