January 19, 2008

A niche, a standard and an aquatic

I wore my first, what they call, niche fragrance today. From what I can tell, niche means "overpriced, limited in quantity and hyped". While I recognize that some niche fragrances are actually better (in terms of longevity and overall "roundness") their less expensive counterparts are just fine. Unless you're trying to impress someone who's in the know, niche fragrances are not worth it. UNless you really like spending $90-$150+ on a bottle or you really, really like the smell, I don't see the worth. I'm a casual wearer so it's academic to wear niche fragrances.

Nonetheless, I have a few samples of some niche fragrances. I will group Penhaligon's in these, too. As much as I like their stuff, I will not spend $90 just yet. Same with Creed and others you can find on websites like Luckyscent or Aedes De Venustas.

Yesterday, without really knowing what it was, I tried Anvers 2 by Ulrich Lang New York. It's a very slow, flowering scent. It may seem ugly to those who are used to designer scents. I don't think the people in my area are accustomed to scents that are structured well. I myself do not know what makes a scent more structured so I may be prejudging this. I don't like this scent. Too perfumey but light. I still have yet to find a flowery fragrance I like. I have a sample of Hei by Alfred Sung and I'm looking forward to trying that.

Later that evening I went out with a group of friends to a Japanese steakhouse in Allentown. I had planned to impress because my friend were bringing their friends along. I was dressed nice yet casual. I premeditated what scent to wear that night because I would not be able to go home before I traveled up to Allentown from Reading and get their on time. For the night, I chose Gucci Envy. What a great choice! Woody and oriental, great for where I was eating. Just plain awesome. Not to mention this fragrance came out the same year I graduated high school (God I'm old!).

Today, for kicks and since I'm hanging around the house today, I'm wearing Desire Blue by Dunhill. Very nice aquatic though I have nothing to compare it to since I haven't tried any other aquatics. Maybe a poor choice for winter but I picked it at random. I have a lot of samples to go through. This has a tonka basenote and I can pick it out. Good.

Been finding fragrances I like. Time to save up some money for a solid wardrobe.

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